Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of.

  • Flavrite

    Rank your favorite flavors. Discover new favorites from people who share similar taste in; coffee, chocolate, wine, cheese…

  • Trektotinc

    TrekTot is the most innovative, practical and official example of an intelligent stroller in the world. By changing the concept of traditional strollers, we have created a new era in strollers made for your babies.

  • Unique Hair Spa


  • Verona Engineering Group

    Verona Engineering Group was established in 2015 under the management of engineer Mohammad Bani Asadi (with a history of building more than twenty construction projects from 1377 to 1395 in Tehran). This group has two branches of architectural design as well as definition and construction of construction projects.

  • Blvakwear

    This collection started its work in 2018 with a completely personal approach and creating the most unique products without gender labels in the field of style and always tries to give you a sense of power and freedom from any framework.

  • Garlet

    Garlet food brand started its activity in 1998 with the aim of producing and distributing diet foods. Garlet now offers its products to dear customers with a number of branches in Tehran in person and through the website.

  • Fenjoun

    At Fanjun, we have provided you with the possibility of donating with the concept of hospitality by buying a cup of tea, so that fans of a podcast, or a music group, etc., can take their favorite person or people to one or Invite several cups of tea.

  • Aznik

    Aznik was established in the new century in 1401 AH with the aim of raising the level of society's awareness in order to improve the quality of life of today's children and tomorrow's families of our land with the efforts of concerned people in this field. It is hoped that Aznik, like its name, will pave the winding and never-ending path to reach Nik Sirti.

  • Moneyar

    Moneyar, a knowledge-based company of leading innovators, with the brand name Moneyar, as the official payment partner of the Central Bank and licensed by Pardis Technology Park, has started its activity since 1995 as the first financial social network. Moneyar is an infrastructure to provide online payment services for Ordinary people and businesses.